Learn More About Our September Specials

September is here which means it is time to start taking care of yourself again! The kiddos are back in school, the sun exposure is heading for the door (it is best to wait on most peels and lasers for when you can recover and not be out in the sun). Here are a few things we think would make a lovely September treatment to help get you back to taking care of you:

$1199 For Ultherpy Rejuvenation Dermal Lift – Originally $1500

Ultherapy is the only FDA cleared technology for noninvasive lifting on the face and neck. This treatment goes deeper to stimulate your body’s own collagen and elastin, for natural-looking results without surgery or downtime. Whether you are interested in PRE-juvenation to treat fine lines and wrinkles or RE-juvenation to treat lifting and laxity, come see what the best fit for you is!

20% off Aquagold Treatments (can combine with ultherpy for the optimal effect)

The AquaGold facial targets fine lines and wrinkles, smooths crow’s feet, refines pores, target pigmentation, acne scarring, dryness, tone, texture, boost hydration and luminosity for a lasting flow.

Combining the AquaGold’s surface level treatment with the deeper levels treated by Ultherpy, you can gain an overall look of rejuvenation and renewal for your skin!

$150 Off One Syringe of Radiesse and $400 Off Two Syringes

Radiesse is an injectable, cosmetic skin treatment used to fill specific areas of the face and hands. It stimulates your body’s natural collagen, filling in wrinkles long term and helping your skin develop new collagen in the process.

Buy 3 Chemical Peels Get One Free

Heading out of summer and into fall is a great time to start focusing back on your skin. With sun exposure coming to an end for the year, and things settling back into routine, chemical peels are a great way to get your skin back on track! Some of the benefits of a chemical peel include – reducing fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth, treating wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging, improving the appearance of mild scars, treat certain types of acne, reducing age spots, freckles, and dark patches, and improving the look and feel of skin.

Call for a consultation so we can find the best chemical peels for your skin goals: 512.551.8551

20% Off Emsculpt and Emtone Treatments

EMSCULPT is the first device to build muscle and sculpt your body. Through the high intensity electromagnetic therapy procedure one can enlarge current muscles, as well as grow new muscle fibers. This is a great opportunity for you and a loved one to experience the workout of EmSculpt together!

EMTONE is the first and only device that simultaneously delivers both thermal and mechanical energy to treat all major contributing factors to cellulite and skin laxity. Thousands of patients have reported visible improvement in skin tone and texture after a single treatment session. Once the initial 4 treatments are completed, results typically continue to improve over the next few months. EmTone requires NO down time so you can return to all normal activities right away!

Together the two treatments are a great way to flatten and tone your body!

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